Category Archives: Pool Equipment

Why is My Pool Filter’s Pressure Reading Important?

Millions of Americans enjoy their swimming pools at home every day. Of course, along with the fun comes a bit of responsibility. It’s important to take note of certain pool equipment maintenance tips to ensure you’re properly caring for your pool water and pool equipment. Performing regular maintenance will make your pool safe and enjoyable for years to come. One thing that may not cross your mind as something important to know is your pool filter’s pressure reading. So what is the pressure of your filter, and why does it matter? Let’s take a look.

Why is Your Pool Filter Pressure Important?

Knowing your pool filter’s pressure is essential for maintaining a clean and healthy swimming environment. The pressure gauge on your filter serves as a vital indicator of its efficiency and effectiveness. A sudden increase in pressure could signal a clogged filter, which, if left unaddressed, can lead to poor water circulation, reduced filtration, and ultimately, water quality issues. Conversely, a consistently low pressure reading might indicate a problem with the pump or a leak in the system, both of which require prompt attention to prevent further damage and ensure optimal performance. Regularly monitoring and interpreting your pool filter’s pressure allows you to take proactive measures, such as backwashing or cleaning the filter, to keep your pool water crystal clear and inviting for endless hours of enjoyment.

How to Find the Pressure of Your Pool Filter

When water is flowing normally through your pool filter, you’ll see a normal reading on the filter pressure gauge. This reading will be in the range of 10 to 25 psi (pounds per square inch). You can set the baseline for normal pressure when you first install the filter, and everything is clean and running as it should. 

You should check the filter pressure once a week to ensure that it’s within the normal range for your pool. If it starts to rise or drop, it’s a sign that something could be wrong. If you notice an increase of more than 10 psi or a decrease of more than 5 psi, it’s time to take action.

Why Does Filter Pressure Change?

A filter pressure outside the normal range is an indicator that something is wrong. It can either be too high or too low. If there’s an abnormal reading, but you can’t find anything wrong, you might need to replace the pressure gauge, which is easy and inexpensive.

High Filter Pressure

Your filter pressure will go up if something is slowing down the flow of water. Oftentimes that means that the filter is dirty and needs to be cleaned. If that doesn’t help, or if you’ve had your filter so long that it’s very difficult to clean, it may be time to change the filter entirely.

Air pressure will also be high if there is air in the circulation system, which can happen when the pool water is too low. It can also occur if you turn your pool pump off for a while while you’re on vacation or just cleaning the pool. All you need to do is use the air release valve to remove air from the system. 

Low Filter Pressure

Sometimes your pressure will be lower than normal, which indicates a blockage in the system before the filter. Look at the skimmers, pump basket, and drain covers and remove any debris. 

Other times, there’s a leak in the pool pump. You may be able to repair it, or you might have to replace the pump. 

Keep an Eye on Your Pool Filter Pressure

Seeing the wrong pressure on the gauge is an early warning sign that something is wrong with your pool. When you correct it right away, you can save yourself thousands of dollars in damaged equipment and expensive repairs.

Your Pool Service Experts in Lakeway

If you are looking for professional maintenance for your pool, we can help. Give the pool maintenance experts at Easy Pools a call today if you have any concerns regarding your pool filter and its performance. 

About the Company

Easy Pools is a Central Texas pool maintenance company that has been providing Austin, Lakeway, Marble Falls and the surrounding areas with all of its pool care needs since 2007. As a leading pool company in the area, Easy Pools offers a number of services, specializing in pool maintenance, pool design & construction, pool renovation, and pool repairs

Easy Pools is dedicated to “the easy pool experience,” whether it’s new pool construction or regular pool maintenance. Easy Pools is built around value, with a goal to provide residential and commercial clients with the best information, quality materials and equipment, and innovative pool design. 

Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Houzz. Contact us today to learn more about why Easy Pools remains the leading pool company in Central Texas

Your Essential Spring Pool Opening Checklist for a Healthy Swimming Season

As the sun begins to consistently show itself, leaving temperatures steadily on the warmer side, it’s time for pool owners to start gearing up for another season of poolside fun. But before you dive into the refreshing waters, it’s crucial to ensure that your pool is properly opened and prepped for the upcoming swim season. A thorough spring pool opening checklist can make all the difference in maintaining a clean, safe, and enjoyable swimming environment for you, your family, and your guests. Let’s take a look into the essential steps you need to take to ensure a healthy pool this spring.

1. Remove the Cover:

The first step in your spring pool opening checklist is to carefully remove the winter safety cover. Before doing so, ensure that the cover is clean and free of debris to prevent any contaminants from entering the pool water. Once removed, inspect the cover for any tears or damage, and clean it thoroughly before storing it away for the season.

2. Clean and Store Winterizing Equipment:

Winterizing your pool likely involved using various equipment such as plugs, skimmer guards, and winter chemicals. Clean and inspect these items before storing them away for future use. Properly storing winterizing equipment ensures that it remains in good condition and is ready for use when it’s time to close the pool later in the year.

3. Reconnect Equipment:

Next, reconnect all pool equipment such as pumps, filters, and heaters that were disconnected or winterized during the offseason. Inspect each component for any signs of damage or wear and ensure that all connections are secure. Testing the equipment before fully opening the pool can help identify any issues early on and prevent potential problems later in the season.

4. Check Water Level and Balance:

Check the water level of your pool and adjust as needed to reach the optimal level for proper circulation and filtration. Once the water level is adjusted, it’s time to test and balance the water chemistry. This includes checking pH, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels to ensure that the water is safe and comfortable for swimming. Properly balanced water not only enhances swimmer comfort but also prevents the growth of algae and bacteria, ultimately extending the life of your pool equipment.

5. Shock the Pool:

Before taking that first swim of the season, it’s essential to shock the pool with a chlorine-based shock treatment to kill any bacteria or algae that may have accumulated over the winter months. Follow manufacturer instructions carefully and allow adequate time for the shock treatment to circulate and dissipate before swimming.

6. Clean and Vacuum:

After shocking the pool, it’s time to remove any remaining debris and dirt that may have accumulated on the pool floor and walls. Use a pool brush to scrub away any algae or buildup, and then vacuum the pool to remove fine particles. Keeping your pool clean not only enhances its appearance but also improves water clarity and reduces the workload on your filtration system.

7. Inspect and Maintain:

Finally, take the time to inspect all aspects of your pool, including the deck, fencing, and surrounding area. Look for any signs of damage or wear and address them promptly to prevent further deterioration. Regular maintenance throughout the season, including skimming the surface, cleaning the filters, and monitoring water chemistry, will help keep your pool in top condition and ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience for everyone.

Your Lakeway Pool Care Experts

By following this comprehensive spring pool opening checklist, you can ensure that your pool is ready for another season of fun in the sun. Properly opening and maintaining your pool not only prolongs its lifespan but also ensures the health and safety of everyone who takes a dip. Take the time to give your pool the attention it deserves, and you’ll be rewarded with countless hours of aquatic enjoyment throughout the warmer months ahead. Give the Lakeway pool care experts at Easy Pools a call today to schedule your professional pool opening appointment. 

About the Company

Easy Pools is a Central Texas pool maintenance company that has been providing Austin, Lakeway, Marble Falls and the surrounding areas with all of its pool care needs since 2007. As a leading pool company in the area, Easy Pools offers a number of services, specializing in pool maintenance, pool design & construction, pool renovation, and pool repairs

Easy Pools is dedicated to “the easy pool experience,” whether it’s new pool construction or regular pool maintenance. Easy Pools is built around value, with a goal to provide residential and commercial clients with the best information, quality materials and equipment, and innovative pool design. 

Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Houzz. Contact us today to learn more about why Easy Pools remains the leading pool company in Central Texas

Optimize Your Pool: The Advantages of Variable-Speed Pumps for Central Texas

A pool pump is an essential piece of equipment that’s used to create the flow that circulates chemicals evenly throughout the pool so they can effectively sanitize the water. It works by pulling water from the pool, passing it through the filter for sanitization, and circulating it back into the pool. While it’s a must-have for proper pool health, there are a few different pool pump options. However, the variable-speed pump is by far the most efficient for an inground pool. 

Read on to learn more about variable-speed pumps and why you should upgrade your pool equipment and outfit your new pool or retrofit your existing pool with one. 

Your Pool Pump Overview

Three different types of pool pumps can do the tough job of keeping your pool operating and running efficiently. 

1. Single-speed pumps: These traditional pumps run at a constant speed and have been around for decades. While they are not exorbitantly priced, they can be noisy and not the most effective or efficient in keeping your pool clean and well-circulated. 

2. Two-speed pumps: Equipped with an induction-style motor just like the single-speed variation, the difference between the two is that these pumps offer a low-speed option, which is proven to be more effective than running the motor pump at high speed at all times, making it more energy-efficient. 

3. Variable-speed pumps: What makes the variable-speed pumps stand out from the single-speed and two-speed pumps is the permanent magnet motor. Instead of the conventional induction motors, variable-speed pumps use permanent magnet motors that are used in electric cars. Therefore, you can “dial in” your preferred rate of flow that is required for your pool, allowing you to use it at a slower speed as is recommended for efficient circulation of water. These motors do not produce much sound or vibration, last longer, run cooler, and have advanced features that can be digitally controlled.

Discover the Benefits of Variable-Speed Pumps in Central Texas

While the pricing of the variable-speed pool pump is a larger investment upfront, it is a very energy-efficient choice, saving you much more money in the long run. Here are a few of the benefits you will experience with a variable-speed pump. 

1. Energy Efficiency

These models of pool pumps consume about 50 to 70 percent less energy than your ordinary single-speed and two-speed motors. Variable-speed (VS) motors are equipped with magnets that are used to spin the rotor. Unlike the induction style motors which require additional electricity to run, the magnets do the job, thus making these pumps more efficient and energy-saving. The more electricity you save is equivalent to saving more money on your electricity bills.

2. Longest-Lasting Pump

VS pool pumps come with enclosed designs and inbuilt fans, which keep the internal components cool and protect them from environmental elements such as rain, dust, and heat. The motor works at a slower speed, which enables the motors to last longer, making VS pool pumps more durable. 

3. Longer Warranty Period

Most VS pool pumps come with a 2- to 3-year warranty period for both the maintenance and spare parts. You would be spending less money getting regular maintenance done, fixing your motor, or replacing a spare part in comparison to the single-speed pool pump counterpart that only comes with a one-year warranty period.

4. Less Noise

VS pool pumps operate more quietly since the design is enclosed. These pumps run at a low speed and do not generate much noise. The bonus point of choosing a VS pool pump is that you’ll not have to face complaints from your agitated neighbors about the noise.

5. Easy Installation

The installation process of a VS pool pump is the same as your regular single-speed motor. All original parts of a pump can be transferred to your VS pool motor, and it uses the same wiring as a single-speed pump, too. Once installed, the pump needs to be programmed. Because VS pool pumps do not come with a standard setting, they will need to be manually programmed according to the requirements of your pool. The process is rather simple, and you can choose your operating speed and run time.

Best Lakeway Pool Maintenance Company

All in all, variable-speed pool pumps are highly effective, convenient, and cost-effective in the long run. To learn more about them, and to upgrade your pool equipment, contact the pool maintenance experts at Easy Pools today. 

About the Company

Easy Pools is a Central Texas pool maintenance company that has been providing Austin, Lakeway, Marble Falls and the surrounding areas with all of its pool care needs since 2007. As a leading pool company in the area, Easy Pools offers a number of services, specializing in pool maintenance, pool design & construction, pool renovation, and pool repairs

Easy Pools is dedicated to “the easy pool experience,” whether it’s new pool construction or regular pool maintenance. Easy Pools is built around value, with a goal to provide residential and commercial clients with the best information, quality materials and equipment, and innovative pool design. 

Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Houzz. Contact us today to learn more about why Easy Pools remains the leading pool company in Central Texas

Increase Your Pool’s Efficiency by Keeping Your Filter Clean

Maintaining a healthy pool is the key to getting the most out of it. If you want to keep your pool swim-ready at all times, then there’s no substitute for proper cleaning and maintenance. And one of the most important components of your pool that need to remain clean is the pool filter. 

Keeping the filter in pristine condition won’t just keep the water going through it clean. It will also allow you to increase your pool’s efficiency over time. So how does investing in a professional filter clean allow your pool to work at its maximum efficiency? Read on to find out more. 

What Do Pool Filters Do?

Pool filters do exactly what their name suggests. They filter out dirt, debris, and even bugs trapped in your pool water. By continually filtering these things out, your pool water remains clean, clear, and ready to use.

But over time, even with regular at-home filter cleanings, filters can get blocked up, and you need to deep-clean these with a seasonal filter clean. As the water in your pool circulates through your filter, blockages mean the water isn’t being cleaned. This leads to dirty pool water, and it could even cause issues elsewhere with pumps and potential flooding. 

Different Types of Pool Filters

Sand Filters

Sand filters work by trapping particles in a bed of sand, and you need to backwash them fairly regularly to maintain efficiency. 

DE Filters

Diatomaceous Earth filters, or DE filters, work in a similar way to sand filters, but it’s a special powder that’s used in place of sand. These filters require regular backwashing as well, but you should also clean them with special cleaning products at least once a year. 

Cartridge Filters

Finally, you may instead have a cartridge filter. These don’t require backwashing, but you do need to fully disassemble them for cleaning. How often you clean these will vary from weekly to monthly or even less frequently, depending on how dirty your pool gets.

The Importance of Seasonal Pool Filter Cleaning

Seasonal pool filter cleaning is essentially when you deep-clean your pool filter at the beginning and end of the swimming season. This is usually done by your local pool professionals. However, a filter could involve far more frequent cleanings if your pool sees a lot of use over the summer months with an increased bather load (more people in your pool).

As more people use the pool, the water in it will naturally get dirtier. This puts more strain on your filter system over time. So, it’s essential to perform regular pool filter cleanings during the swim season to increase your pool’s efficiency. 

Why Professional Pool Filter Cleaning Is a Must

A clogged pool filter could lead to major issues with water circulation. This could mean your pump is working harder than it needs to in order to pump the water throughout the pool. 

By having your pool filter cleaned by professionals on a regular basis, you can ensure that your pool is always clean and running as efficiently as possible.

Your Lakeway Pool Service Company

If you’re noticing issues with the water quality of your pool, or you want to schedule regular pool filter cleaning, get in touch with the Lakeway pool service professionals at Easy Pools today. Keeping your pool in pristine condition is our number one priority, and we look forward to increasing your pool’s overall efficiency through proper pool care and maintenance. 

About the Company

Easy Pools is a Central Texas pool maintenance company that has been providing Austin, Lakeway, Marble Falls and the surrounding areas with all of its pool care needs since 2007. As a leading pool company in the area, Easy Pools offers a number of services, specializing in pool service & maintenance, pool construction & remodels, and pool repairs

Easy Pools is dedicated to “the easy pool experience,” whether it’s new pool construction or regular pool maintenance. Easy Pools is built around value, with a goal to provide residential and commercial clients with the best information, quality materials and equipment, and innovative pool design. 

Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Houzz. Contact us today to learn more about why Easy Pools remains the leading pool company in Central Texas

Most Cost-Effective Ways to Heat Your Pool

If you’ve yet to make a decision regarding the best way to heat your pool, now may be a perfect time to consider your options. We’ve put together a list of the most cost-effective ways to heat your pool so you can determine the best one for your needs and budget!

1. Solar Cover
When it comes to solar heating, buying a solar cover is one of the most inexpensive options. Does it work? Yes. The amount of heat retained depends on how big your pool is and how much direct sunlight it gets. On average, you’ll gain 10 to 15 degrees.

A study conducted in 2014 by Colgate University showed how using a solar cover nightly for seven hours saved over 30% in energy costs. You can also prevent heat loss and evaporation by more than 95%.

2. Pool Heater
A pool heater is a more expensive option, but also a very smart way to maximize your backyard investment. They can give you almost total control of your pool’s water and will add many extra days to your swim season. 

Because of the different pool heaters available, it can be hard to choose the right one. Before buying a pool heater, you should consider things like your location, pool size, temperature needs, and of course, your budget.

That said, a pool heater adds value over time and lasts you a long time. Other options, like pool covers, need replacing more frequently. Add up the cost for a few years or so, and you’ll find that a pool heater could very likely have a lower net cost.

3. Heat Pump
You should get a heat pump if you value long-term gain over short-term expense. While it saves you money over time, the upfront cost for a heat pump is not for everybody. However, once you install your heat pump, it can last up to 15 years. Heat pumps can be installed during pool construction or retrofitted at any time after.

The initial buying price is the most expensive part, but a heat pump’s efficiency will help offset that cost. You measure a heat pump’s efficiency in COP, and the average value is between 5.0 to 6.0. This makes the efficiency rate to be around 500 to 600%, so a single unit of electricity is converted into 5-6 units of heat. Heat pumps are definitely the best option for both overall energy and money savings.

4. Solar Sun Rings
Solar Sun Rings are heating devices made of double-layered UV-resistant vinyl. The upper layer is clear, absorbing the sunlight and directing it toward the lower layer. The blue layer underneath absorbs and traps 50% of this heat.

You can cover your pool with your solar sun rings overnight. These are relatively low-cost and can be used with a solar cover for better results. If you’re looking for an inexpensive yet effective method, this is definitely the one for you.

Lakeway Pool Heating Experts
At the end of the day, the pool heating method that’s best for you depends on your needs, your pool, and your budget. Give the Lakeway pool heating experts a call today and learn more about the different options available and how we can help you get the most out of your pool.

About the Company

Easy Pools is a Central Texas pool maintenance company that has been providing Austin, Lakeway, Marble Falls and the surrounding areas with all of its pool care needs since 2007. As a leading pool company in the area, Easy Pools offers a number of services, specializing in pool service & maintenance, pool construction & remodels, and pool repairs

Easy Pools is dedicated to “the easy pool experience,” whether it’s new pool construction or regular pool maintenance. Easy Pools is built around value, with a goal to provide residential and commercial clients with the best information, quality materials and equipment, and innovative pool design. 

Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Houzz. Contact us today to learn more about why Easy Pools remains the leading pool company in Central Texas